iManage Work10 and DocuSign integration

iManage Work10 and DocuSign integration

iManage Work10 and DocuSign integration is not an out-of-the-box solution. It requires users to manually import and export files between the two solutions, which can be time-consuming and can impact productivity.

Kutana+Brochet offers a more streamlined, integrated, and efficient solution. We integrate iManage Work10 and DocuSign with powerful PDF editing capabilities, allowing users to send documents directly from Work10 without needing to log in to the DocuSign portal. When the signed document is returned, the system automatically files the document into iManage Work10, eliminating the need for manual filing and reducing the risk of errors.

As iManage Work10 is the leading document management system that many law firms rely on to manage and store their sensitive information securely, having a tool that integrates it with the digital signature platforms, including the most widely used platform DocuSign, makes perfect sense.

Benefits of Kutana+Brochet’s iManage Work10 and DocuSign integration

Kutana+Brochet’s integration of these two platforms means that law firms see a seamless interface with the following benefits:

Streamlined workflow

Sending documents directly from iManage Work10 to the DocuSign portal and receiving the signed document back in iManage Work10, results in a more streamlined way of working and improved productivity.

Simpler user experience

One simple interface, no need to upload documents, merge and edit the PDF and a database lookup for contact information to save on rekeying information.

Improved efficiency

The integration eliminates the need for manual filing saving time and reducing risk.

Enhanced document management

The integration saves documents with more functional and useful filenames, making it easier for users to search for them later.

Convenient signature management

With secure, efficient, and convenient management of documents and signatures in one place. This integration can improve overall productivity and efficiency, making it a wise investment for firms

Secure information exchange

The integration of iManage and DocuSign enables the secure exchange of sensitive information, ensuring the protection of all data during transmission and storage.

These benefits make Kutana+Brochet’s integration solution an excellent choice for law firms as they continually strive to manage sensitive information and ways to improve their document management processes and overall firm efficiencies.

The challenge with iManage Work10 and DocuSign

When a document stored in iManage requires a signature, the document needs to be exported and uploaded into the DocuSign portal. The document is then sent for signature to the relevant parties, who sign and return it electronically from anywhere. Once the signed document is returned, the files need to be downloaded from DocuSign and reimported back into iManage.

Importing and exporting files between the two solutions takes time, impacts productivity, and exposes law firms to a security risk, as users frequently download documents to their desktops.

How can we help your law firm with our iManage Work10 and DocuSign integration?

Kutana+Brochet offers organisations a secure, efficient, and convenient way of managing their documents and signatures in one place. The integration eliminates the need for manual filing, reduces the risk of errors, and saves time, making it an excellent solution for organisations looking to improve how they get documents approved by clients and their document management processes.

By adopting this integration, organisations can improve their overall productivity and efficiency, making it a wise investment for firms. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us or schedule an appointment with us here.


How do law firms use iManage?

Law firms use iManage as a document and email management platform. It helps them to organise, store and manage their clients’ critical information and communications. iManage provides a centralised repository for all types of files, including contracts, legal documents, and emails. It also includes advanced search and retrieval capabilities, allowing users to quickly find the information they need.

iManage helps law firms to improve their productivity and efficiency by streamlining their work processes and reducing the time spent on manual tasks such as document organisation and filing. It also provides enhanced security measures to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of sensitive client information.

How do law firms use DocuSign?

Law firms use DocuSign to securely sign and manage electronic documents. This allows them to streamline their document workflow, improve document security and ensure compliance with legal requirements. DocuSign enables law firms to send and receive legally binding electronic signatures and to track the status of agreements in real-time.

The use of digital signatures through DocuSign helps organisations save time and resources by reducing the need for paper-based signatures. The digital signature process is secure, quick, and convenient, as clients can sign documents from anywhere, at any time, using any device. This makes it easier for organisations to conduct business, especially for those with clients in different locations. The use of digital signatures and secure document management platforms helps organisations comply with regulatory requirements such as the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).