Electronic and digital signatures – what is the difference?

Electronic and digital signatures – what is the difference?

In the UK, the use of electronic and digital signatures on documents has become increasingly popular as technology has advanced. However, many people are still unsure of the difference between the two. This article will outline the key differences between electronic signatures and digital signatures, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

What is an electronic signature or an eSignature?

An electronic signature, also known as an e-signature or eSignature, is a symbol or process attached to or associated with a document in order to indicate the signer’s agreement to the contents of the document. Electronic signatures can take the form of a typed name, a scanned signature, or a graphical representation of a signature. Electronic signatures can be used for a variety of purposes, including contracts, forms, and consent forms.

What is a digital signature?

One of the main differences between electronic signatures and digital signatures is the level of security they provide. A digital signature is a more secure form of electronic signature than an electronic signature. It uses encryption and digital certificates to verify the authenticity of the document and the signer. Digital signatures are considered to be a higher form of security than electronic signatures because they use encryption and digital certificates to verify the authenticity of the document and the signer.

This means that the document is protected from tampering and the signer’s identity is verified, reducing the risk of fraud or other malicious activity. Digital signatures also provide a clear record of who signed the document and when making it easier to track changes and detect any potential issues.

Differences between electronic signatures and digital signatures

Another key difference between electronic signatures and digital signatures is the level of legal recognition they have. Electronic signatures are legally recognised in the UK under the Electronic Communications Act 2000, which states that electronic signatures can be used for the same purposes as traditional signatures, provided that the electronic signature is reliable, and the signer’s identity is verified. The use of digital signatures is regulated by the Electronic Identity Verification Regulation 2016 and the Electronic Identification Regulation 2017 in the UK, and these regulations set out the minimum standards for digital signatures and ensure that they are secure and reliable.

Digital signatures are considered to have a higher level of legal recognition as they provide a higher level of security and authentication.

It is important to note that not all electronic signatures are considered to be secure enough to be used for legal purposes. In order to ensure the security and reliability of electronic signatures, it is important to follow best practices for document security and signer authentication. This includes verifying the signer’s identity, using secure communications channels, and storing signed documents in a secure location.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

In terms of advantages, electronic signatures are faster and more convenient to use than traditional signatures, as they can be completed electronically from anywhere with an internet connection. They also reduce the risk of paper-based errors and increase efficiency by allowing multiple parties to sign a document simultaneously. Digital signatures, on the other hand, provide a higher level of security and legal recognition, they provide a hight level of authentication as well as a clear record of who signed the document and when. Electronic signatures have a lower level of authentication and are more vulnerable to tampering.

A disadvantage of digital signatures is that they can be more complex and difficult to use, as they require a higher level of technical knowledge and access to digital certificates. There are also costs associated with obtaining and issuing digital signatures which need to be factored into a business’s operating costs.

How can we help you with your electronic and digital signatures?

Both electronic signatures and digital signatures have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between the two will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the individual or law firm. Electronic signatures are faster and more convenient to use but provide a lower level of security and legal recognition. Digital signatures, on the other hand, provide a higher level of security and legal recognition but are more complex and difficult to use. When deciding which type of signature to use, it is important to consider the level of security and legal recognition required, as well as the ease of use and convenience. Read more here about our electronic signature solution and contact us if you would like to discuss it further.


PDF editing in law firms

PDF editing in law firms

Contracts, agreements, and legal documents are typically in PDF format, and these files play a critical role in the legal profession, therefore PDF editing and manipulation is crucial for law firms. However, traditional PDF software is often expensive, challenging to use and lacks necessary features that law firms require. In this article, we will explore the challenges that law firms face when dealing with PDF files. We will also look at how Kutana+Brochet’s Kappris PDF Editing functionality offers a cost-effective and intuitive solution to these challenges.

The challenges of PDF editing and manipulation

The biggest challenge of PDF editing and manipulation is the cost. Adobe Acrobat and PDFDocs are the most widely used PDF software, but they are premium products that are expensive for most law firms. Additionally, the features are often overcomplicated and challenging to locate from the drop-down menus. As a result, many solicitors find themselves struggling to use the software effectively, wasting valuable time and resources in the process.

Another challenge of PDF editing is the lack of integration with other tools. Law firms rely on various tools and software to manage their operations, and it can be difficult to get different systems to work together effectively. For example, if a lawyer needs to edit a PDF file, they may have to transfer the file to their computer, edit it, and then transfer it back to its original location. This process can be time-consuming and prone to errors, especially when dealing with large files or a significant number of files.

The solution: Kappris PDF editing functionality

Kutana+Brochet offers a solution to these challenges with its PDF Editing functionality. Kappris PDF is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. It also means that even those who have never used PDF software before can quickly and easily edit and manipulate PDF files.

DocuSign integration

One of the key features of Kappris PDF Editing functionality is its integration with DocuSign. This integration allows solicitors to easily sign and approve legal documents directly from Work10 or NetDocuments. This eliminates the need to transfer files back and forth between different systems. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors, making it easier to get things done quickly and accurately.


Another advantage of Kappris PDF is its affordability. Unlike Adobe Acrobat, which can be expensive for small and medium-sized law firms, our software is designed to be cost-effective. It offers a range of pricing options to suit different budgets. This means that even those on a tight budget can access the tools they need to get their work done effectively.

Security features

Additionally, Kappris PDF offers enhanced security features. Law firms handle sensitive information daily, and it is essential that these documents are protected. With Kutana+Brochet, users can rest assured that their documents are secure. The software uses state-of-the-art encryption technology to protect against unauthorised access. Furthermore, Kappris can be fully integrated with print management systems (PMS) and document management systems (DMS). This increases efficiency and delivers continual savings on license fees.


Another benefit of Kutana+Brochet’s PDF Editing functionality is its versatility. Law firms deal with a wide range of different documents, and it is essential that these documents can be easily edited and manipulated to suit their needs. Kutana+Brochet’s PDF Editing functionality offers a wide range of tools and features. This includes the ability to add, delete, or modify text, images, and graphics. This makes it easy to create customised documents tailored to the specific needs of each client.

How can we help you?

PDF manipulation and editing play a critical role in the legal profession. It’s imperative for law firms to have access to the right tools to perform these tasks efficiently. Kappris PDF offers cost-effective, intuitive, and secure PDF editing functionality to meet these challenges. This makes it the ideal choice for law firms of all sizes. Kappris is the perfect tool for managing PDF files in the legal profession. Why? Because it has a wide range of features, integration with DocuSign, affordable pricing options, and ability to integrate with other tools. Read more about our PDF editing and manipulation functionality here and get in touch with us to find out more.